Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can you please share your choking hazards with your brother?

OK, so that's not really what I said, but that's what my kids heard me say.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day.  My oldest goes to preschool and they had a party where all the kids gave each other valentines and most of those included candy and other treats.  My youngest does not go to school (do you see where this is going???) and did not have a Valentines party.  Being the terrible mommy that I am, I did not foresee the fact that the baby would be heartbroken about not being showered with Valentines Day treats.  You see, I don't do Valentine's Day.  I think it's a "Hallmark Holiday" that makes roses and candy  twice as expensive than any other day of the year.  My husband and I don't celebrate it so I didn't even think about buying gifts or treats for my children.  So, when the oldest asked if he could have something from his Valentine's bag today, I told him yes, but only if he shared with his brother.

You must be wondering when exactly I asked him to share a choking hazard, right?

As he searched through his bag for just the right treat, he finally found a small bag of hard candies shaped like hearts and asked if he could have them.  I had told him he could have whatever he wanted as long as he shared with his brother.  (I know 2 and 3 year olds shouldn't really be eating hard candies.)  After I opened the bag for him he looked at me and said "Mom, this is a choking hazard." and then Mr. Baby said "Can I have a choking hazard too?"  So, that's how my kids heard me ask them to share choking hazards.

**No children were harmed in the making of the blog post.

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